Boffins declare: LIFE ON VENUS! OK, maybe not so much. But hey, phosphine. So, there’s that.

Exciting news from our sister planet! Winged beings with a penchant for cross-species shenanigans? Well, not so far, sadly enough. Still, it’s early days…

But OK, yes. We’ve found traces of phosphine, a possible exudate of a possible life form, up in the possibly warm and friendly reaches of the Venusian stratosphere. Well done, boffins. But let’s not put the champagne popping before the probing. (Sorry. That came out badly.) Probes, tho. We need the probes, or at least the more extensive tele-looking and documentation to check out the exud-ers of said phosphine before we get all “Venus: Crawling with Living Stuff and Now… Sexier Than Mars!”

34 Memes Illustrating Humanity's Reaction To The News About The Possibility  Of Life On Venus | Bored Panda

You’ve seen the meme by now, right? Yeah, that pretty much sums up the recent news. NASA has suddenly terminated its years-long romantic, one might say stalker-ish attachment to lovely, patient, ruddy-complected Mars. And who’s the goddess now? Upstart thinly veiled seductress Venus. OK. Not thinly. Thickly veiled. In… well, in poison, for the most part. But possibly not the part where the little Venus bugs flit about pumping out the you-know-what. Anyway, stay tuned. I’m the sure the boffinating on this has scarcely gotten started.

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